Greetings Traveller!

Welcome to HackTheOxidation's GitHub Pages.

I'm a software engineering master student and free/open-source software enthusiast among other things.
This site is still under construction at the moment (seriously, when are you ever done with a software project?).

In the mean time, check out my projects on GitHub.


Most of the skills that I have acquired primarily come from University and (mostly) free-time hobby coding, but in spring of 2022 I got an internship working on a (quite large) python project, so now I also have real-world professional developer experience. Yay!

Operating Systems

Programming Languages and Technologies


General Programming Concepts

Text Editors, IDE's and Other Tools

I used to be a serious vimmer, but these days I mostly use Emacs.
You can get my dotfiles here.

Currently Learning/Playing with